Here is some winter water, cold but clear as glass.
The baby flathead are completely visible as they stare up from the sandy bottom.
But really, I wanted to share an environmental "tip" with y'all. Olive Oil.

The use of oil-based art materials need not be the source of tears at clean-up time.
Rather than turpentine, or any other solvent, a generous serving of olive oil,
rubbed onto all surfaces, hands, blockprints, tables, rollers or any other thing,
will do the trick.
Mop up the excess, and finish off with a quick wash with shampoo and warm water.
No nasty smells, no nasty chemicals absorbed into your skin or respiratory membranes!!
Here is the fish and bird.
Winging their merry way to Canberra as we speak...

That is absolutely lovely. You are so clever.
Also messy, however. This is one of the many reasons why I shall never be an artist: I don't like getting my hands dirty. Gardening? I always wear gloves.
Are there such things as painting gloves, I wonder.
Why Canberra? And is that wood block, lino, or what? I'm very ignorant.
I do wear painting gloves, the same ones doctors wear for surgery. Right at the end I had to pick up some very expensive paper without them, and forgot to put them back on.
It is rather nice to wash your hands in Olive oil.
This block is similar to lino, but it is actually a type of rubber compound, so rather than woodblock linoblock or rubberblock, blockprint is the best description.
This picture is to be auctioned off for charity: Children's Cancer research. Last year's offering was highly successful and went for quite a sum.
My friend runs a research institute and is a Professor at Australian national University, which is in Canberra.
So that is why it is journeying down there. With or without me!
Beautiful picture and blockprint. Did you make the design on the blockprint?
So Olive Oil isn't just for salad?
Olive Oyl, by the way, was Popeye's girlfriend. Her brother was Castor Oyl. No, really.
Well, as I "introduced you," as it were to one of your interesting fellow Aussies, Rackorf, here is another guy ... His name is Rich. He lives in Sydney and is always involved in odd film productions and internet stuff. I used to post there more often but not so much anymore.
Corrected URL:
Lovely, Fifi!
I've known people that use olive oil as moisturizer. It doesn't smell so good, but it leaves men in particular with such lovely skin...
It turned out beautifully, despite the 'interference' from the cat!
Thanks for the olive oil tip.
My mother used olive oil for her hair as a treatment. Of course she always washed it out with shampoo!
Wonderful picture Fifi. Hope it raises much money!
you have talent my friend..so wonderful.I did one in school back in 02.and it was fun.but not half as good as this one...
Brrrr -- I can just feel the biting cold of those winter waters. They're beautiful... but I know better than to wish it to materialize in real life ;)
ps Fifi, have you ever had your palms read? If that is your left hand, you have the same cross line running down the center. I seem to remember it being a sign of something, luck or money....
I like the bird and the fish. How they're both swimming and flying.
littlething, I have had my palm read and have absolutely NO recollection of what it means...I do seem to remember that there was something unusual but probably meant that " in life will make much mess", or something like that.
meli, right now, your'e doing the flying and I'm doing the swimming...
Lovely print ... You deserve great success with it!
Actually, Fifi, I've just compared your palm lines to mine and they're spookily similar. In fact, your whole hand could be mine, apart from the blueness and the amazing artistic ability. Are you actually me, I wonder? My more artistic... younger... sportier... antipodean .... self?
Rackorf says;-
The good oil. A couple of weeks ago someone asked me how to get sticky tape residue from skirting boards, they suggested acetone - a web search found that the good oil is the go. Bugger the acetone, go the good oil. (And it was! - worked a fucken treat)
re Flathead...
Baby Flathead = Big Flathead + the good oil + beer = full as a goog :) + zzzzz
Could someone please translate what Rackorf just said for me??
just quickly, I am running late for work...
it means a "good feed, a good drink, full like an egg, offf to sleep..."
ie, all is good...
see you later..ugh, hate rushing...
Gosh, Isabelle, that is odd, isn't it.
(Apparently i have unusual palm lines. On my other hand I have a big letter A. Do you?)
I don't THINK I'm you, although i do sometimes wonder if I have in fact dreamt myself up and am living a completely imagined existence.
Maybe you are me, if I were to be scottish. Perhaps in my scottish life my hoose would be as tidy as yours. ....
i consider it a matter of honour not to eat anything I have looked lovingly into the eyes of...ha ha.
But yep. Do like a bit of flattie. If I don't catch it.
Will skip the beer but in deference to you, will make it a Margaret river Red. I'll be looking forward to full as a goog time, many hours from this one....:-)
mmmmmm, flattie goes well with most choices of poison.
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