The little whale is too afraid and alone to stay in the open sea.
It is back in the shallow of Broken Bay, near my parents house. I can feel it moving around, so close.
I don't hold much hope and I can't sleep for the thought of its loneliness.
Tomorrow I will go there and it will not be alone.
i will be there too, somehow
It's heart breaking to think of the poor little fellow lost, lonely and confused. Give him my love too!
oh! by the way I really like that painting.
what a sad sad sound. Lucky to have a caring fish so close and willing.
There was a story on the news about this...
Will you sing a farewell song for me please?
It's the saddest story, isn't it? the little whale lost.
Send the baby whale my love too.
Oh dear, oh dear.
Maybe it would like to come and sit in our sitooterie?
Hi Fifi,
I heard that NSW National Parks and Wildlife Staff have euthanased "Colin', the baby whale to end her suffering. I'm really sad about it, and I'm sure you are as well. Let's hope that wherever she is now, she is not suffering any more.
that's just too horrible
All very sad,
you were there too.
Your words are a beautiful epitaph and through them the little whale will live on in the imagination of people all over the world.
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