“You know Ellie”,
asked my girl, though it wasn’t really a question
“her mother has had a boob job.”
I looked at her, a little dismayed, already right out of things in the yummy mummy stakes as it is, and I automatically covered mine protectively, lest she suggest I have a 'boob job' too.
“She came to pick up Ellie, and she came across the playground in her little pink top”
My heart is sinking already.
“And a brand new Prada bag.”
I am about to launch into one of my usual tirades about materialism and labels and whatawasteoftimeandmoneyhowvacuousapradabagismeaningless
“then I thought of last time you came and picked me up and came right into the school to find me and I watched YOU come across the playground in your little black smock and those long striped socks”
I am feeling weaker by the minute.
“…pulled up and your tights tucked into them. You had your usual face covered in charcoal and a green painty moustache. And blue paint up both arms.”
Ah, I think to myself. At the end of the day, those pretty, silly, safe, clean, slice-baking mothers with pert bosoms are the winners. Are affirmed. Not us filthy weirdo ones.
And then she continued.
“and I was thinking, I’m so glad that I have you as a mother, rather than an airhead with a boob job.”
She has sold her surfboard and bought a camera. She has made some lovely photos, and she does very much like comments on them. You might like to have a look.
Can you just let that very smart girl of yours that I have added her as a contact and am not some weirdo!
Her photos show such talent already!
My son the guitarist would love to know more about the photo of the guitar btw..
I am so glad for you. Now you know that your daughter loves you as the person that you really are. It is a wonderful thing.
Wow. Your daughter is wise.
I would have been thrilled from head to toe by that comment of hers.
Wow, onya girlchild. Nothing like appreciation! I'm sure my son's friends and mothers think I'm beaten or drugged because I show up with big bruisey-looking ink stains up my inner arms...
TAG! you're it: http://ampersandduck.blogspot.com/2008/11/7-working-things.html
hi you don't know me, i came via ampersand duck. but i wanted to say what a lovely, lovely post. i knew exactly how you felt.
You sound SO much cooler than the airhead boob job.
Heading over to check out the photos...
seeee? I told you she was cool.
Sounds like you've raised a really smart kid! And she can wield a camera too.....
Oh, that makes me a little teary!
Well, der! You are fabulous! Who wants to be mothered by a Playboy Bunny?
You've brung 'her up roight.
oh that's so lovely and such a sweet sentiment expressed by your daughter!
my 9yo son takes photos too - it's like seeing a little window into what he finds fascinating.
I'm also glad you aren't an airhead.
A little fishy maybe...
Ah that warmed the very cockles of my heart. I often wonder what my children think of me and whether they would rather have a different more socially acceptable mother. But as a child I don't ever remember thinking those thoughts about my mother - I just accepted her as my mother, the good and the bad.
Your daughter sounds lovely. But then that is hardly surprising really!
That's really so nice. I'm so glad for you. Daughters are so great. So are sons. And in her self-portrait it's clear that she looks really like you. Wonderful photos - she has your artistic eye, clearly.
There's nothing I can say. I'm over here crying again (I cry at toilet tissue commercials). You're very lucky.
Like mother like daughter! Lovely post again.
(oooh I just got angriest as my verification word!)
Oh She is just wonderful!!
You are the BEST!
Love her photo, it is superb!
A rather torturous wind-up for a compliment, but a compliment nonetheless, I guess.
Fifi, for what it's worth to you from an admittedly strange American blogger who lives about 11,000 miles from you (indeed, it's hard to get much farther away and still be on the same round planet), and who may never have the opportunity to meet you, but who knows you only through your written words and pictures and art, I just want you to know that I think you're awesomely sublime and sublimely awesome, and I thank you for being you and letting me know you, even indirectly and from very far away.
You are ALL very kind!
Reg, I have to say when I read that I was very touched, and it mde a very nice start to an otherwise ordinary day.
And thank you for the visits, the offspring is VERY chuffed to have had you call by.
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