Things are busy in the House of Fish. I am supposed to be writing today.
It is a non-teaching day.
But the house looks like a cyclone has been through it and I am hunting for a Very Important Piece of Paper, which of course I cannot find.
I have gotten the scanner to work though.
Naturally, I am allowing this to completely take over what I am doing and not one word has been written.
I did find some notes I took in a boring meeting.
and then I found a picture of my models wearing some of my Titian inspired brooches.
I wonder who is wearing these now?
Oh, look. Some flowers in Monets garden when I was there last. What splashy dahlias!
Ah, so pretty!
Looking at the time, I see I have lost another day as it is almost time to pick up the children on this rainly day. So much for working from home: the sum total of my efforts today is to make some scans, create even more piles of mess in the search for things I need, and a total avoidance of the Big Issue: the unwritten thesis.
Of which I have entirely lost the thread, the plot, and half my notes.
But have agreed, having been thoroughly shamed, to take the daughter Formal Dress Shopping.
Apparently, she and her friend are the only two children not to have a dress. All the Other Mothers have long taken their girls and spent their every dollar to clad them in some wonderful dress...the other said mother rang me in horror "do you know what i had to do today? take georgia shopping...oh, it was horrible"
so that leaves only me, the Failed Mother, yet to tackle the job.
Which sounds only marginally less horrid than writing a thesis in one weekend.
Oh, one day. Saturday, I'll be shopping...